Sunday, April 24, 2011

boys will be boys.

No better spot to take the Fisk boys... but the park!  They showed me their skills: running, jumping, sliding, and even guitar-playing.  We had a blast.  They almost forgot they were having their picture taken.  Almost.

location: La Mirada Regional Park.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

senior portraits: Cierra

location: Biola University, La Mirada

Thursday, April 7, 2011

cutest cousins.

6 months old means crawling... a new found independence...  Miranda is getting so big.
Cousin Danny is just a few weeks ahead...
These 2 get to play together 5 days a week while their mommies are teaching.
and this was the moment when mommy/ auntie and I knew the shoot was over...
Keeping it real...